Monday, January 23, 2012

I have things to say...

It's true. I have things to say. Not necessarily to anyone specific, but I'm want to say them none the less. I figured blogging might be the best way for me to get my opinions/thought/whims/ideas out of my head. Here we go... ! (37 seconds in...

So, I am starting a blog. I'd like to make it clear, I am not a writer. So, don't judge me.(But from what I've seen, most bloggers aren't.) First on the to-do list: Choose a blog name. My first idea was "Spilled Milk". You know the saying, Don't cry over spilled milk. It's a motto. ("Nothing. What's the motto with you?" Name that movie. Apparently I am full of Disney movie refrences today.) I also thought it would convey the message of... well... a mess, which is what this blog will probably end up being. In a good way... a mess of randomness. (<---blog name potential?) But alas, it was taken. Moving on to...(drum roll, please!) Poured Milk. It's like spilled milk... but less messy. Once you pour milk you generally don't pour it back into the carton. It is out. To be consumed or eventually dumped down the drain, either way it's never going back in that carton. It's a metaphor, people. Maybe not a good one. But it's a metaphor. Take it or leave it.